In Too Deep (Doing Bad Things Book 2) Read online

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  I need to go talk to her and make sure she gets tested for diseases and pregnancy. I need both of those done. The last thing I need is shit like this to hit the front page. My crap is just starting to die down. The press gets wind of this and Christ! … I’ll never know another moment of peace.

  I stare at the shower, almost jumping in it but I can smell her on me. Vanilla. I like it. Only because it’s a good smell. It reminds me of cookies… and eating…her… Fuck! The alcohol still has to be affecting me. My head is pounding, so it stands to reason the hangover is messing with my brain. I throw some clothes on.

  I’ll shower later.

  With that thought in mind I head out towards the hotel office. If she refuses to take the tests, I’ll just have my lawyer get a hold of her. He handles sharks for a living. This girl will fold like a cheap suit.

  I’ll have her for breakfast…

  An image of her legs on my shoulders, her pussy spread out in front of me flashes in my mind and the taste of her sweet juices on my tongue.

  Fucking hell. I might be in trouble. If I can make sure she’s safe, maybe I can fuck her out of my system. Of course, as hateful as she is towards me it wouldn’t surprise me if she cut off my dick.

  You would think that thought would make the damn thing shrink back down to normal, but right now I could drive nails into concrete I’m so hard.

  I stomp to the office and I have my hand on the doorknob when I see the note taped on the door.

  “Gone to the doctor to get tested for crabs. Change your own damn sheets!”




  “I can’t believe I was so stupid,” I whine for like the millionth time. I know Daria has to be tired of hearing me, but I can’t seem to stop myself.

  “I can’t either. I mean I love you, Hope, but you of all people should know better.”

  “I know! But that medicine knocked me on my ass!”

  “Apparently it also spread your legs.”

  “Ha! Ha! Cut me a little slack it’d been over two years, you know!”

  “I told you that was going to backfire on you someday. A woman is not meant to ignore the cravings of her body.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever. I’m just saying, I was horny and drugged. I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly.”

  “Still, it’s a rule.”

  “A rule?” I ask her, cocking an eyebrow and taking another drink of my wine. I’m at Daria’s house. Jack is sleeping and I’ve decided to stay over too. I know I’m avoiding seeing Aden again, but really… I don’t think I have it in me to face him again tonight. “What rule?” I ask, as Daria refills both our glasses. I grab one of the chocolate truffles I brought. We’re eating chocolate, drinking wine and watching a Lifetime Movie Network marathon on television. Woman after woman seem to be killing men in these movies and I completely agree with them. Men are assholes. Death to them all.

  “If you’re going to go in heat, honey you better package the meat.”

  “You did not just say that!”

  “I just call them like I see them.”

  “You sound like Aunt Edna—or worse, My Aunt Ida Sue.”

  “Having met Ida Sue, and that hot as heck cowboy she keeps in her stable, I can deal with that.”

  “You really are a freak Daria. Most of my friends are after my cousins, the Crayon boys, you are jonesing after an old cowboy with wrinkly balls.”

  “The balls aren’t what’s important, and Jansen seems to be more than equipped to keep your Aunt happy. From what I hear—”

  “We are not talking about my Aunt’s sex life. I’m not drinking enough for that. I have my son in the other room.”

  “You are wound too tight. You need to get laid.”

  “I just did, that’s the problem.”

  “Oh yeah. Maybe I should slow down on the wine,” she laughs. “At least tell me the jerk was good.”

  “I wish I could say he wasn’t.”

  “But he was?”

  “Jesus, he was. I think the earth moved.”


  “It could have been because it had been over two years, you know. Like, after that long anyone would have been good—even that dude with the fuzzy, red hair.”

  “Fuzzy, red hair?”

  “Yeah. The guy named after a vegetable,” I mutter, taking another drink.

  “Carrot Top?”

  “Yeah, that one.”

  “Um…Hope. I don’t care how long it’s been—I don’t think any amount of celibacy could make Carrot Top good in the sack.”

  “You don’t know. Carrot Top could be packing.”

  “I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.”

  I sigh, giving up all pretense. “He was so good, Daria. I’m aching all over and I hate him. I hate him so hard, but…”

  “But… You want to jump his bones again?”

  “Yeah…if I could gag him.”

  “Kinky,” she laughs.

  “Bite me.”

  “Hey, some guys like that kind of thing. I have a ball gag in the bedroom…”

  “Oh, my God, you do not!”

  “I told you the last guy I was with was into that kind of thing.”

  “Are you?”

  “Eh…not particularly, but when in Rome….” She shrugs.

  “I screwed up Dar,” I whisper.

  Her hand comes up to the side of my face and she cups it gently.

  “You’ve been running yourself ragged for two years. You were due. Quit being so hard on yourself. It’s going to be fine.”

  “Having unprotected sex is like taking your life in your own hands. I can’t afford to be stupid and risk everything. Jack depends on me,” I tell her my biggest regret, deepest fear and the largest worry on my mind.

  “You said your doctor said everything looked fine and you were clean. You go back next month for more tests and you keep following up. And the next time you land in Mr. Dickhead’s bed, you make him wrap it up. It’s going to be fine.”

  “I’m not landing back in his bed! He’s an asshole. I told you how he treated me!”

  “You also admitted he rocked your world. It doesn’t have to be love or even last more than a few days, Hope. There’s something to be said about hate sex.”

  “It’d definitely be hate, but I think I’d rather go back to being celibate. Life’s just simpler like that and I need to be the best mother for Jack I can be.”

  “Absolutely, but you can do that and still get a little tune up now and then without feeling guilty, Hope.”

  “I’m going to bed,” I answer, not replying to what she said. I give her a hug and then head to the room where my son is sleeping. There’s two reasons I don’t reply.

  The first is that I’m not getting near Aden Smith again, so discussing all of this is a moot point really. The second, and perhaps the scariest, is that Aden didn’t just give me a tune up. I think he probably overhauled my whole engine…

  And I may never recover from it.



  Hope didn’t come back last night. I know because I watched for her. I don’t know why I did—but I did. I didn’t change my sheets either. For whatever reason I liked the smell of them, so I kept them. I refuse to believe it’s because they smelled like her. I just like the vanilla scent. If I was going to stay past this week, I’d go get some air fresheners. That’s all there is to the story.

  There’s only a few days left now before I leave and I’ve yet to write one word. Which is why I’m staring at the computer, staring at the blank Word screen, trying to think of what to type. Well, that’s not exactly true. I’ve written a hundred-and-one opening lines.

  It happened on a cold dark night.

  I just had a couple problems. I had no idea what had happened on a cold, dark night and I had no idea where the brilliant stories I had always kept in my mind disappeared to, but they were gone. Just gone.


  What if I had thrown aw
ay a career and was unable to do anything else? Admittedly it was a career that I had begun to hate in more ways than the English dictionary had words to describe. Still… it was a career, it was income…

  I lean back against the headboard and look around the motel. I’ve been a dick. The room really isn’t that bad. I’ve stayed in a lot worse. Hell, some of the shit rooms I stayed in on location make this place look like a palace. I don’t know what it is about White’s cousin… Hope… that makes me act like an asshole, but it’s there.

  The night I had her in my bed is kind of a whiskey-filled haze. I can remember parts of it very clearly, however. I remember the taste of her skin, the feel of her hands on my body, the sound of my name on her lips… And definitely the way it felt sliding into her hot, tight depths. You would think I’ve gone years without a woman. It’s been awhile sure, but it has not been so long that I should be jacking off in the shower to the memory of her—which I did just this morning. I should not be wanting her back in my bed—which I do—kind of. I’d probably want her gagged so she couldn’t say shit to piss me off. Or I could feed my dick to her, and fill her mouth up so much that she couldn’t say anything. All she would be able to do is moan around my cock…

  My head jerks around when I hear the sound of a vehicle pulling into the graveled parking lot of the hotel. I get up and look out of the window, hiding behind the curtain. Hope gets out, she’s wearing cut off jean shorts that caress her ass, her hair is pulled up on the top of her head and she’s got on a bright orange top. She looks thrown together, but her legs are tanned, her ass curved and she’s packing some serious tits. Tits I’ve held and sucked…

  She’s real.

  Those are the words that come to mind. She’s real. She’s unlike any other woman I’ve dealt with. That’s proved further when she helps her son out of the backseat of her small car. Almost her whole body leans into the car to unbuckle him, leaving her ass sticking out; and I’m so far under some kind of spell with her that all I can imagine is fucking her in that position, slamming into her over and over so that her breasts sway with each thrust. Immediately, the semi-hard-on that I’ve kept since she left my bed goes full-on hard. So hard it’s physically painful.

  Jesus. What the hell did she do to me? Is her pussy laced with drugs? Something to make me crave it? I don’t know what the hell is going on, but it has to stop. I step away from the window, letting the curtain fall back, just as she emerges from the car holding her son close to her body. Her hand goes up to brush through his hair and that’s the last thing I see. It was a sweet touch. A good touch. One that proves she’s probably a good mother.

  A good mother who climbed into my bed so she could bag the Hollywood star… I can’t forget that.

  There’s just one problem with that line of thinking….

  Hope doesn’t know who I am.

  She has to have an angle somehow, but I have no idea in the world what it could be. All I know is that all women have angles and they work them to get what they want. I’ve been used too fucking much.

  It is not happening again—not even if her snatch is as sweet as honey.



  I went all day yesterday without seeing Aden. I considered that a good thing. I stayed on edge and my heart stayed in my throat waiting for a moment that would never show. It didn’t appear I would be that lucky this morning. I knew this from the way he rolled in the front door, like a giant thundercloud.

  “Did you leave your child alone while you camped out in my bed?”

  “I…What did you just say?”

  “You heard me. Did you leave your small child alone while you camped out in my bed?”

  “He was staying with a friend for the night because I was sick.”

  “You sure as hell didn’t act sick,” he says gruffly.

  “Well, I was. And I wasn’t camped out in your bed. For your information I had an asthma attack and tried a new prescription the doctor gave me, it made me sleepy.”

  “Yeah, right. I’ve heard all kinds of excuses, but that’s the first time I’ve heard that one.”

  “That’s because it’s not an excuse!” I growl.

  “You know, I think I would respect you more if you would just own up to what you did.”

  “That’s funny, I would say that you don’t respect anyone.”

  “Which reminds me,” he growls, handing me a piece of folded paper from his back pocket.

  “What’s this?” I ask, looking at the paper in his hand like it’s a snake that’s going to reach out and bite me at any moment.

  “Read it,” he barks out his order, and I have to tap down the urge to stick my tongue out.

  I trap the paper between my thumb and forefinger, taking extra pains not to touch his hand, and gently unfold it. It takes me a minute to read, and understand what I’m reading. It’s results from tests he had done four months ago.

  “Oh my God!”

  “What? I thought you’d be happy. You can damn sure bet I’m going to want one from you. I’ll also want proof that you’re on birth control and not trying to run some kind of operation.”

  “Operation?” I whisper.

  “Trying to get knocked up so I’ll have to support you and your bastard ch—”

  I slap my hand across his face, covering his mouth, and I don’t do it lightly.

  “If you finish that sentence, so help me God they will be finding pieces of you hidden in the Clancy valley for fucking years. My son is not a bastard and I take care of him just fine. I don’t need any man to support me or him.”

  “I wasn’t—” he starts the words muffled, but loud enough I can make them out. I push against his mouth harder, not wanting to hear it.

  “And if I did, you can rest easy you’d be the last man on Earth I would pick for that job.” He grabs me by the wrist and pulls it away from his mouth.

  “I just wanted to show you I was clean. I will need you to get tested and—”

  “You just had these lying around? What kind of man does that?”

  “Gets tested to make sure he’s clean and doesn’t have a disease?”


  “Any sane one! And especially one who has had to deal with women like you in their life.”

  “Women like me?” I ask completely flabbergasted. I didn’t think there was a way that this man could make me hate him more… I was wrong.

  “Ones who try to trap a man by his dick,” he sneers.

  “Do you really think that I’d pick some idiot who has nothing to his name to father a child with?” I ask, and I hope he doesn’t hear the wobble in my voice, because essentially that’s what I did with Jack’s father. But that was different, in that I thought he cared about me. I thought what we had was real. We had a relationship, and had one for a while before I went there.

  “Nothing to my—” he seems shocked, but I don’t let him continue.

  Instead, I grab the baby monitor so I can listen for Jack while he’s napping. Then, I stomp off, going through the opened door that leads to the private quarters. I can hear Aden behind me, but that’s okay, I want him to follow me. The jerk. I go straight to my bathroom and my medicine cabinet and then I pull out the pack of pills. I almost went on the shots, but I’ve found that the pills somehow help my migraines and the cysts that I get sometimes on my ovaries. I’m glad I didn’t switch now because I have something to show this idiot. I open up the beige pack that contains the pills.

  “Can you tell that not one pill has been missed?” I growl, envisioning clubbing him over the head with a baseball bat… over and over and over… and over.

  “I’ll still need you to get tested for diseases and of course a pregnancy test,” he says frowning at the birth control container.

  And of course a pregnancy test.

  I really do hate him. Could you really be charged for murder if it involved extenuating circumstances?

  Like the fact the victim was an asshole who deserved it?

I had some tests done. I’ll make sure to show you the results later,” I sigh because Jack picks that moment to wake up from his nap.

  “Mommy?” he mumbles through the monitor.

  “If you don’t mind, show yourself out. I’m going to my son.”

  “I assume the pool is useable now?”

  “It is,” I snap.

  “Good. At least something works in this place,” he mumbles, dismissing me and turning away to leave the way he came. Which is fine. More than fine. I want him gone. I usually get along with everyone. I’m pretty easy going. There’s only one person I’ve written off completely and that’s Jack’s father, but this guy…. Aden makes Jack’s dad look like a freaking walk in the park on a sunny day.

  “Thank God he will be leaving in one more day,” I mutter under my breath, as I make my way to Jack.

  Life will be much, much better once Aden Smith is out of it completely.



  I glance at Hope as I leave. I’m feeling guilty. It never even entered my mind she would think I was calling her son a bastard. I wasn’t. Hell… I came over with the intent to talk calm and friendly with her. To clear the air and move forward…Admittedly it was kind of a weak hope, but there was that smell of vanilla in my room that had slowly been driving me crazy. There was this crazy urge inside of me to see her again, to try and talk to her.